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My Projects


A web app designed for roller coaster enthusists. Users can browse amusement parks from around the world and check off roller coasters they have ridden. They can view their coaster count and list in their profile. There is also a social media aspect to the app as there is a discussion forum, a gallery where users can upload pictures, and users can form groups and add and message friends. The front end is coded using React and CSS, while the backend uses a Django REST database.

Weather App

A weather app created using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It uses an API from OpenWeatherMap to find the current temperature and weather condition at the user's current location or a specified ZIP code.

Connect Four

A webpage where two people can play Connect Four. CSS 5 is used to render the game board, and gameplay is coded using JavaScript.

To Do List

A simple to do list coded using React and CSS. The user can add new tasks and select their due date. After a task is added, it can be deleted, have its description edited, or marked complete. Task text changes color to indicate if the task is overdue or has been completed.

Mind Reader

A simple web app coded using HTML, CSS and Javascript. It uses state management to take users through a fun game where it asks them to think of a number and then correctly 'guesses' their number.

Tic Tac Toe

A webpage where two people can play Tic Tac Toe. CSS 5 is used to render the game board, and gameplay is coded using JavaScript.

Restaurant Website

An app emulating the website for a restaurant. Users can browse the menu and place takeout orders.

Cycling Store

A Python script that simulates managing a bike shop in the Python terminal. A Django REST database is used to track store stock, customers and orders.