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When you begin a coding project, it can seem daunting to sit down and think about how to go from nothing to a fully finished, working app or webpage. One of the methods that programmers use to make this process easier is writing pseudocode. Pseudocode helps to break down the project into steps that are easy to understand and isolate.

What is pseudocode?

Pseudocode is the very first stage of programming, but it remains useful throughout the coding process. Initially, pseudocode is used to define the problem in plain, human-readable language in order to brainstorm a solution. The next step is to outline a 'code' in plain language (i.e. 'I will use a for loop from 0 to 10 to double each number'). This is used to inform the coding process as line of pseudocode are turned into actual code. As the code develops and errors are encountered, the pseudocode can be used to brainstorm fixes or changes to the original idea. In addition to brainstorming code, pseudocode can also contain general information such as a list of what else needs to be done on the project or even lines of positive self-talk to help the programmer through the process.

How does pseudocode help with programming?

Pseudocode makes programming much easier in a variety of ways. Firstly, it helps to break down the project into smaller steps that the programmer can focus on one at a time. This makes it easier to avoid getting overwhelmed by the scale of the project since the progammer is focused on just getting the current step done and working. Within each step, it then helps the programmer to visualize what code to write by writing lines of 'code' in plain language and then thinking through what commands would perform the desired action.