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What did you learn about that helped you understand the development process?

The main thing I learned this week was how APIs work and how to use them to fetch data for use in apps.

What does it mean to develop good code?

Good code has to work, of course, but there are other areas of concern as well. It should be made more efficient when possible by doing things like condensing multiple lines of code into functions or using switch statements instead of giant if/else loops. That said, good code should also be easy to understand for anyone who didn't write it. Trying to code golf and make code as efficient as possible can make it hard to understand or debug.

What does it mean to be a good developer?

A good developer will try to make their code 'good' whenever possible, but will focus firstly on getting it to work; done is better than perfect. They will also communicate well with other developers and designers to both suggest ideas to them and incorporate some of their ideas into their own work.

What is one thing that programmers hate doing?

One thing I hate doing as a programmer is debugging. I enjoy the logical puzzle aspect of writing code, but going over it afterward to find small errors can be tedious and annoying.